Bigger Isn’t Always Better: The Benefits of Joining a Boutique Agency

Child model being photographed at a boutique modeling agency.

While big agencies say they have your child’s best interests in mind, they tend to really just speak in dollars and cents. They may carry weight with their brand name, but with so many clients and child models they can never give their time to new clients. This is where the boutique agency comes in, and shines. Since they are smaller they can really give your child the time and care they need to develop into the model they can become. Their attention and efforts are always dedicated to the models they have because they are so much more invested in their success. 

The best part of boutique agencies is the personal touch they can give where big agencies are often too corporate. Especially for a child model's first experience, it’s important to be with an agency you can trust. Here are the reasons we think boutique agencies are the best thing for you and your modeling experience. 


Since boutique agencies have less clients and less personnel, they have all the time to dedicate to your child model. This allows them to get more auditions and in turn book more jobs. The key is that they are able to spend every hour working purely on getting your child the jobs they fit the best. Big agencies have so many models that they can at most spend an hour sifting through possible auditions. At boutique agencies the entire team would be working for you and helping make your child model the best they can be!


When your child is first starting out they need to learn a lot in order to progress in the modeling industry. At boutique agencies the agent has the time to teach and coach your child on how to audition and how to pose. They can even help them run lines for upcoming parts, something big agencies would never be able to do. Time is everything when it comes to your child improving their skills. They need to practice, and the more practice they have with someone who knows the industry, the better!


An agency that cares about your child on a personal level cannot be replaced. When you have known the agent for years and they treat you and your child as family, it will have resonating effects on your child’s ability to book. There is something to be said when an agent cares not only about their job, but about the child model they are trying to book for. This creates a relationship between agent and model that can’t be beat, and can push past any boundary.

The most important thing you can do as a parent is make sure the agent you decide to work with has the time to dedicate to your child, and care about the work they are doing. At Bensimon Models and Talent we give you all the time you deserve and then some. We take pride in turning newcomers into superstars and seasoned veterans into household names. We ensure all our time and effort will go into giving you and your child the best experience the modeling industry has to offer.