The “Dos” and “Don’ts” of Dealing with Your Agent

Talent agents are a necessary part of the modeling industry. They are the ones who make the connections and put the right people in the room together, in order to help your child model get the jobs they need. They also work as a mentor teaching their clients how to best navigate the industry and hone their skills. These vital figures are the people that will ultimately make or break your child’s career as they are the ones who will be finding work for them. If you maintain a good relationship with your talent agent, the sky’s the limit. However, if you don’t learn quickly how to work with them instead of against them, it can be a steep uphill battle every step of the way. We believe that every child model has the potential to be great, and one of the best ways to get them there is through a positive agency relationship.

We’ve come up with a list of the major “dos” and “don’ts” of working with your child model’s agent, and we think it will make a huge difference in your experience working with them. Take a look at our list and see what you can do to maximize the relationship with your child’s talent agent.


…be on time

Timeliness is next to godliness they say and that is all the more true in the modeling industry. When your agent calls you with a booking, or a call time, you must let them know you are available as soon as possible. The more often you are available and on time to meetings and bookings, the more likely your child can become a successful model in the industry.

…update your pictures

Your child will change over time, and the longer they are working in the modeling industry the more their look will change. Make sure to consistently update your child’s headshots so that your agent has their most current look when they are sending them to casting directors.

…respect their time & space

While we understand that it can be hard waiting for a callback or news about a booking. You have to realize that this is just as important to the agent, and constant emailing and calling will not change the outcome. The more you respect your talent agent’s space, the more time they will have to find your child work.


…say yes alone

You might get excited when a casting director gives your child the thumbs up on a callback, but you need to call your agent first and allow them to handle it. You do not want to be stuck in a situation where you’ve said yes to a job before understanding all the details. That’s what the talent agent is for, they know the ins and outs of the industry so just let them take care of those situations.

…miss a meeting

Time is everything in the modeling industry and if you are not on time or worse miss a meeting/call time, your child may never get the opportunity again. Your agent works so that your child can succeed, and by missing meetings you simply show to them that you are not ready to work in their world. Ensure you set plenty of alarms and schedule things in advance to avoid any complications.

…be shy

The talent agent you work with needs to see your child’s personality. If they are timid and afraid to show their true selves, it will be impossible for the agent to know what jobs to book them for. Make sure you come with confidence and an idea of the type of model you want your child to be. The better they get to know them, the better chance they have of success.

While all agents are different, we feel these to be the rules of thumb when working with a child modeling agency. At Bensimon Models and Talent, we know that many people are coming into the industry for the first time and we want your experience to be positive. Please make sure to stay patient and work with us, so we can take your child model to the top of the industry!