How Dance Classes Can Help Your Child Model

Young African-American child model dancing behind an orange backdrop.

The modeling industry has so many different styles of media that apply to it, so it pays to have multiple skills as a child model. That’s not to say that is expected of every child, however, the more skills they acquire, and the better those skills become, the higher the odds of them getting more jobs increases. One talent that may seem unnecessary but actually gives your child a huge advantage is learning how to dance. If your child can dance, it opens up so many more opportunities for them to explore. Dancing is one of those skills that most people do not possess. Not just the ability to have rhythm, but to actually have set dance moves and styles that can be performed and learned. This will give your child a huge leg up on the competition and will improve their other abilities as well.

Dancing is a huge part of the entertainment industry from being seen in movies, TV shows, music videos, theater and even live performances. You will also see in our list how dance can keep your child sharp and focused on their goals.

Multiple Talents

The most important aspect of learning how to dance is that it will allow your child model to sell themselves as a multi-talented prospect, who can do above and beyond what is expected. The modeling industry loves talent, hence the other term for it — the talent industry. Talent is everything, and the more abilities your child has the more they can do. On top of that the directors will see your child as someone who has the ability to learn new things, which is huge for longevity in the business. Another important aspect of being a multi-talented child model is your child will be able to audition for more types of projects. Without the ability to dance they have no business auditioning for music videos or stage musicals. Once they are able to learn dancing on a solid level, they can start trying for these types of jobs which only helps them expand their fame and reach.

Fast Learning

It is no secret that the more skills you learn, the easier it is to acquire new ones. By working on dancing with the help of a professional teacher, they will have a much easier time absorbing new information from other professionals in the industry. This is a key piece to being a successful child model. When working in the modeling industry your child will need to memorize lines, placement on the set, choreography (even if not dancing), and so much more. Having the ability to learn new things quickly will pay huge dividends when on set. Directors may expect your child to be able to pick up skills on the fly; this is where the ability to learn new things quickly will come into play. And if they are ever asked to dance, they will be more than ready to bust a move.

Stage Presence

Usually when your child is in a dance class they have recitals or live performances to showcase what the students have learned. The more your child does this, they will learn a tough skill called stage presence. Stage presence is someone's ability to command attention by simply using their confidence and energy to have all eyes on them. This skill can be extremely useful in auditions and on jobs as well. When casting directors see this they instantly know that this person is a professional and can handle being on set. It also adds to their overall confidence which will only improve their ability to perform and audition. The dancing will give them new skills as well as a new found confidence that will allow them to take over the modeling world.

Dancing can give your child a huge boost in the industry, and the earlier you can sign them up for classes, the better. At Bensimon Models and Talent we work with child models with all levels of talent and skill. We help motivate all of our kids to work their hardest and learn as much as possible so they can have a positive experience in the modeling industry. Now let’s get moving!