Helping Teen Models Navigate Adolescent Physical Changes

Image of a teen model in a brown hat.

The teenage years are filled with mysteries and discoveries. Navigating these while also juggling the modeling industry can be very challenging, but preparing your teen is the best thing you can do. There will be physical changes that they will be going through which can be scary, but just remind them it’s completely normal and that everyone goes through it. It is different for girls than it is for boys, but one thing remains the same, the change can be tough. Being able to live with it and use it to an advantage is what can push them to new heights in the modeling world. 

For Girls


For teen girls acne can be a real struggle to deal with, it is important to be sensitive to this so that they don’t feel alone or judged. It is important to take care of the skin so that this does not become a big problem as they grow deeper into the teenage years. A healthy diet and sunscreen are the top two things to introduce during these years to help avoid any acne problems.

Body Hair

For teenagers this is mainly reserved to leg hair. They will have to start shaving just like all girls do, but for a teen model it is extra important due to the nature of the industry. This is something you can prepare for early and teach them the right technique so they don’t harm themselves.

Body Shape

During these years your teenage model’s body will change considerably. It is important you help them grow into their new body and accept it however it is. It is key to maximize their confidence in this instance because you do not want their body to become a source of insecurity or stress. Always better to have a positive view on their new body. 


These are also the years where they begin to grow and height can also be a source of stress for teen girls. Always reassure them that however their body grows, it is natural. The only thing that should be noted is there are growing pains, so it is key to remind them that these are temporary and all a part of getting older. 

For Boys


Just like with girls acne can be a tough part of a teenage boy's life. The more they have the harder they will take it. Make sure they are not eating oily foods and moisturizing. They’ll be sure to thank you later. 

Body Hair

Body hair can be a real source of pride for young boys, and embarrassment for some. The main focus should always be that however their body changes, it is natural. While some boys have mustaches at 12, others may not grow one until they are 16. This is completely normal and can be a positive benefit to their modeling career, regardless of how it grows. 

Body Shape

As they grow older their bodies will change which will create new challenges. One specific aspect is that their shoulders will broaden. They can use this to their advantage when trying to book jobs that would need them to look older. It is a key difference between boys and teenagers.


Being taller can be a sense of status for boys. It is important to not let it affect their lives in any way. Who they are matters more than how tall they are. The main benefit of the height change is the ability to book more jobs. Regardless of how tall they get, it is always an advantage. 

The key for teens to adjust to their new bodies is remembering that everyone is going through changes and they are not alone. You can always share with them your experiences and how it was for you when you were young. Filling them with confidence is the best thing you can do and will have the ultimate benefit on their careers. For more information on the life of teen and child models visit us at Bensimon Models and Talent.