Helping Your Teen Model Change Their Appearance (Safely)

Closeup of teen model with ear piercings.

Teenagers…they are the most talked about group of young people in the world, and as we all know they are constantly changing. One thing that they are hyper focused on is their appearance, especially teen models. They are always evolving and always looking to change the way they look so they can stand out from the crowd. It is a tough thing to argue against, as we all were teens once, simply trying to discover who we were. However, we need to make sure they are doing this safely and correctly. It’s even more important for teen models who are entering the industry because if they overdo it, they can change their look forever.

We have come up with a short list of things you can help your teen change about their appearance safely, and that will give them the best opportunities in the modeling world. Make sure everything is done with supervision and with open discussions so that they understand this isn’t to fix who they are, it’s just to add some razzle dazzle to their already beautiful selves.

Hair Dye

This is the easiest way to update your teen model’s look without committing to anything for too long. You can get an at-home dye or even go to a salon and look at fun hair dye colors for your teen to experiment with. While typically teens go for simple colors like blonde, black, or red, you can even make it more exciting by adding purple highlights or blue streaks. It really is a great way to also add a bit of an edge to your teen model which could open up other doors in the modeling industry. The more looks you can give to your teen the better chances they have of impressing casting directors, and book for different types of brands. Just be sure to give your child’s agent a heads up before you commit to a new ‘do!

Temporary Tattoos

We know that this is going to be controversial and we are not suggesting you go out and get your teen model a sleeve. The best option is a henna tattoo. Henna tattoos last a couple of weeks and are done with a paste that hardens. Once it falls off, you are left with a beautiful orange brown color that can really add some flair to your teen. It’s an easy way to experiment with body art that is 100% pain free and goes away after a short period of time. Especially now that hand and finger tattoos are all the rage, you can easily get a couple of highlights on their fingers which can add to their overall look. Be sure they aren’t holding or booked for any jobs before you do this though, as casting directors and brands don’t generally look to hire tatted-up teens.

Fake Nails

Whether it’s press-on nails or acrylics, this is an easy way to add a temporary accessory to your teen model. It gives them a more adult look and is all the rage on social media. Nowadays everyone is trying to look older, and while we see negatives with trying to make your 13 year old look 20, we understand that teens are always trying to do just that. Fake nails are the perfect balance of adding a mature look to your teen while maintaining their adolescence. You can also get tons of different colors and styles; we’ve even seen people doing each nail a unique color. There have also been strides made in press on nails which used to look obviously bad, but now they can look as real as acrylics, without damaging their nails. Make sure to remove any nail polish or fake nails before a shoot, as you should always show up to a job with bare nails.


This is even more debated than fake tattoos but we have a safe option that can be used to help your teen change their look. First and foremost we are not talking about any major piercing, we are focusing only on ear and nose piercings which nowadays are commonplace. Adding an extra ear piercing, or piercing the upper ear, while can be a little painful, is a great way to give them a unique look. You can also add a simple stud or small hoop to one of the sides of their nose and it can be a beautiful accessory. We do not suggest the septum as that piercing should be reserved for adults who are committing to that kind of look. A simple nose or ear piercing is an easy way for your teen to experiment with their overall style. Again, make sure your teen isn’t holding or booked for any upcoming jobs, as you want to give the piercing an appropriate amount of time to heal before having to potentially take it out for a job.

At Bensimon Models and Talent we are all about open discussions surrounding your teen model and allowing them to express themselves. While we know it can be a tough topic especially when talking about changing them physically, even if it’s temporary, we think it is necessary. Teens are going to want to make changes, and it’s better to do that with open dialogue as your teen is experimenting with different looks. Talk to them, look at safe options, make sure they are prepared for any upcoming jobs, and have fun with it. It'll be a great way to bond with your child and they will enjoy trying out new things, safely.