How to Manage Your Child’s Modeling Career

Image of red-headed child model.

Managing a child’s modeling career can be extremely difficult and challenging. Not only is it your own child’s feelings you need to look after, but their professional career as well. If you take on that role you need to have two brains — that of a loving parent and a shrewd manager. There are times when you need to give them support, and times you have to get things done. There are a lot of ways you can go about managing your child model’s career, but there are certain things you’ll have to do in order to make sure you little one can be successful along their modeling journey.

There are several tips to becoming the best child modeling manager you can be, however it is important to keep the big ones in mind at all times. Here are what we believe to be the most important things you need to do in order to be a successful manager for your child model.

Stay Organized

There are going to be a multitude of forms, scripts, audition times, names, numbers and many more moving pieces you’ll have to keep in mind. We suggest keeping a pocket book and writing down everything. We know in today’s day and age we have calendars for everything, and you have to utilize those too. However when we write things down we tend to remember it easier. That way you’ll also have a running list of everything you need to do. Now that still means you have to then take what you write and add it to your electronic calendar, add contacts to your phone, and also commit names to memory. But you will reap some serious benefits when you know the names of casting directors and agency personnel. When you walk into meetings and instantly know who you’re talking to, it looks much more professional and in turn gives your child a boost.

Manage Your Emotions

We say this a lot, but you have to remember that sometimes you need to be their manager not their cheerleader. It can be tough to give your child constructive criticism when they need to hear it but it can be even tougher when a casting director is giving your child notes and all you want to do is argue. Remember that when you’re there you are their manager. Once you get in the car or at home, the parent brain turns back on and all can be well. You’ll also need to learn how to talk to your child so they listen to your professional guidance. It can be tough especially if you’re dealing with a teen who has been in the business for a while now and thinks they know the ropes. This will need to be developed early on so you do not create a problem within the family. If you and your child let emotions run wild, it can also put a strain on your relationship. 

Create Good Habits

Normally this would mean exercising, eating healthy, reading and all those should be done regardless. However in this instance, we’re talking about good habits when preparing for roles. You’ll be reading through tons of scripts and you’ll need your child model to be prepared. It’s key to have a system in place from when you first receive the script, all the way through to audition day. It needs to be like clockwork, you receive the script, instantly highlight the lines they need to memorize. Work with them daily to hit the right emotions, facial expressions and attitudes needed in order to land that job. The more you have a set plan in motion, the better prepared you’ll all be for those upcoming dream jobs. 

At Bensimon Models and Talent we believe that all parents can be involved in their child models career as long as they are prepared for it. It can take a lot of work and can be tough on the heart strings at times, but a child modeling career can also be unbelievably fulfilling for the whole family. Especially when you see that commercial coming on, over and over again — you’ll remember the long hours and the tough days and the difficult emotions…and that it was all worth it.