Keeping Your Child Humble as They Achieve Success

Young child model, female, wearing a dark blue shirt and red and white scarf.

Success. It can come in many ways and take many different forms, and when it comes to the modeling industry — it can be positively addictive. The key is to understand how important it is that your child has to get to a place where they feel successful but does not let it get to their head. Success can make people feel elite and above others, especially when they have been trying for years to break into an industry that is so judgmental and competitive. It can be natural to let a string of jobs get to your child model’s head, however the negatives that can come of this are endless. Humility is a very difficult concept for children to understand, because the glee they feel when they achieve success, is without limit.

Being humble is a daily task for any successful child model. The modeling industry does not breed humility, but it does value it. Directors do not want to work with divas who feel they deserve the world, because they got a few good jobs, or have made a name for themselves. As their parent, you must stress to your child to stay humble regardless of the success they have achieved. Here are a couple of ways to ensure your child does not let success get to their heads.


If your child is starting to act out due to success, reminders of their life before success can help them stay humble. Talk to them about how they felt before they were getting these amazing jobs, and how hard it was to break in at first. This will take them back to the times when they were just starting out and felt nervous before every audition. It will help them remember that modeling is about growth and improvement and not only about success. 

Reality Check

This one can seem a little harsh, but every once in a while a kid does need to face reality. They need to be told how much a privilege it is that they have achieved success. While it came from hard work, it could also be gone in a moment. Many people become famous overnight and disappear the week after. They cannot allow their current success to stop them from working hard, and achieving more. This is when as their parents you can tell them that in 20 years, their lives may be very different, regardless of whether they are in modeling or not. This can help your child model stay humble, and keep working towards being the best, and not just the most famous. 

Nurturing Friendships

One of the biggest motivators of child models and children in general are their friends. Once they get success they won’t be able to see them as often. Make a point to keep their old friends close to them and set up playdates when they aren’t working. This will surely keep them grounded, as they will be with someone who liked them and cared for them before they even started modeling. If they become too arrogant, they’ll lose their friends which in turn would be a lesson in being humble. Friendships are a key component of any child’s upbringing. It allows them to have a life outside of modeling and family where they can be themselves and feel accepted for who they are.

A child model who has achieved success needs to be reminded of how lucky they are to be in the position they are in. If they let it get to their head, they can quickly become arrogant and will more than likely not be booked for jobs as often. This along with the general sense of being a good person is why it is so important to make sure your child stays humble even as they are becoming more and more successful. For more information about modeling or to get involved please contact Bensimon Models and Talent