The Power of a Mentor in Child Modeling

Young child model with her photo being taken by an older gentleman.

No matter the industry, the importance of mentorship cannot be overstated. This goes double for the competitive world of child modeling. The modeling industry can be really tough to break into, sometimes cold and unforgiving, especially for those who don’t know the tricks of the trade. But if you have someone close to you — who knows what they are doing and has been there before — they can guide your child model, explain what to expect, and help them reach new heights. 

So with that in mind, let’s talk about the importance of having a mentor in a child model’s life.

Been There, Done That

A good mentor is someone who has achieved relative success in the same industry. Whether it be print ads, commercials, or even runway, as long as they have had success in the modeling industry they’ll be able to help. Since they would be more or less an expert, they will be able to really give your child the keys to success. This is where they can coach your child model on the ins and outs of the modeling industry. This will give your child the roadmap to success which is sure to turn into more jobs and more notoriety. As long as your child is susceptible to learn from them, they’ll be in great shape. 

Creating Connections

Networking is everything in the modeling industry, and a child modeling agency can only do so much. Their mentor can open doors for them since they are already established in the industry. They’ll know casting directors, agents, managers, other models, all who will be great to add to your virtual rolodex. They may also be able to help with booking. They may be working on a job and be able to get your child into it as well. If there’s a casting director they have a personal relationship with then they’ll be able to help facilitate the initial meeting and even have some sway on their decision making. Any connection you can make in the industry is key, a good mentor will know this and make sure to put you and your child in the right rooms.

Honing Skills

One of the hardest aspects of modeling is learning the different skills needed in order to make it big in the industry. A good mentor will have already mastered or worked on many of the skills that are important to be successful. This includes, posing, walking a runway, evoking different emotions, and many more. As long as your child is ready to learn, there is no doubt a good mentor will be able to impart all of their knowledge on to them. This is where it will be key that the mentor is understanding of your child’s level and how to work with them. This is where the true power of a mentor comes through, because while having connections and having experience is important, if they can’t teach your child what they need to know, it will not be helpful.

When picking a mentor make sure they have these three qualities, otherwise they will not be of much help. Anyone can be a mentor, it can be a fellow young model, an adult model, or even a former model who used to have success as a child. These are all viable options, as long as they meet the qualifications as well as they can connect on a personal level with your child. For more information about modeling and for how to get involved, visit us at Bensimon Models and Talent.