What It Takes to Be a Child Model

Image of teenage model looking serious into the camera.

The modeling industry is famous (or infamous) for having a reputation for being tough, intense and unforgiving. While many believe that having the talent is enough to break into the industry, you’ll also need to understand the work it takes to be successful in a highly competitive industry that simply will not apologize. Once you decide to sign up for this journey, it is important to know what to expect and the work you’ll have to do to help your child achieve their goals. Child models need to work just as hard as their adult counterparts, and it can be difficult for a child to understand this. As their parent, it is key to understand what you can do so you can alleviate any pressure from them.

Modeling is not just showing up to an audition, booking it and moving on to the next one. There are processes, forms, and emotions that need to be handled in order to best achieve that dream of being a star. Here are some helpful insights you need to know as you get started with your child.

Be on Time

The most important thing is to get any meeting, audition, or photoshoot before the time that is  assigned. Being late cannot be an option which is why we say to get there before, so you don’t risk being late at all. You have to remember there are hundreds, if not thousands of child models applying for many of the same jobs. You would not want to risk that your child didn’t receive a job simply because of a timing issue. This becomes more important once they book a job because then you’ll begin to build a reputation, and being on time and ready to work is always a great thing to have said about your child. 

Submission Guidelines

As you begin you’ll need to learn how to read and correctly fill out submission guidelines for the child modeling agency that you are applying for. There are very clear rules on what is needed including measurements and types/styles of photos. You’ll need to follow them to the T in order to be considered as a model for that specific agency. Otherwise they can quickly throw out the submission and you’ll have to start all over again. Another tip: let the agency contact you, it will not help your case to reach out to them too often. 

Confidence Is Key

In today's modeling world it is less about what you look like and more about your attitude and what makes you unique. One thing that can help is confidence. That will make your child stand out about everything else, coming to auditions and photoshoots that your child is the best there is, and that they can take over the modeling world! This type of can-do attitude is what will make your child memorable to the casting director or agents you are trying to work with. In the modeling industry, it’s the more different you are that is important.

Don’t Be Bossy

This is always something to keep in mind because we know it’s difficult to split yourself from your child’s career. However the agents in a child modeling agency have dealt with many stage moms and are quick to worry when a parent gets too hands on. The best thing you can do is simply allow the professionals to handle it and be there for your child for their successes and their downfalls. 

If you are ready to commit to everything we’ve laid out here then you are far ahead of the game. Commitment is everything in the modeling industry. You must never stop working no matter what, always b ready for the next audition and the next photoshoot. For any other questions or to submit your child, visit Bensimon Models and Talent.